Tuesday 15 December 2015


This blog is about Lucky .  Lucky is a 17 year old senior dog, who had been suffering from seizures for many months. Lucky's owner wanted to put her to sleep , because she could not bear to see Lucky in so much distress.

Lucky was on very heavy medication for seizures. When I went to see her , she was constantly falling and loosing her balance and was listless.I also noticed she had a severe ear infection.

I suggested she tried Reiki sessions for Lucky and see how it goes.She reluctantly agreed. I even advised her about Lucky's diet , life/style and some herbal supplements.

I started the remote healing treatment immediately. After three sessions , the owner said" she could see the difference , Lucky is more energetic and has had no seizure in one week."

We continued the healing sessions for one month and then tapered it to twice weekly. Lucky was doing super on her new diet , herbs and healing sessions. Owner was very pleased with the results.

Its been four months , Lucky has had no seizure and is bouncy like a puppy. Her ear infection has healed completely. She has been taken off all her medications completely. She is on herbs , a species appropriate diet and her weekly Reiki sessions.

Reiki even helped the owner who was going through a lot of
mental stress due to her personal issues.

I am glad she gave Reiki and Lucky a chance, I feel due to Lucky the owner was able to face and deal with her own deep seated issues and find inner peace.

This is what I see mostly in every case how animals are just reflecting.Humans feel they are helping their animals , but the truth is these animals are helping their humans with their soul expansion.

Monday 10 August 2015


There are many factors which are affecting our animals on a day to day basis , I am discussing some of them here ,and these are the reasons why in my opinion animals need energy and vibration healing. 


Stress caused by variety of factors, absorbed from their human companions, living in a “human”world, changes in living conditions and environment, lack of exercise, lack of contact with nature, highly processed and low-quality , low energy foods, invasive medical procedures, environmental toxins, lack of sunlight and fresh air, the energetic imbalances of the earth itself.


Animals are spiritual beings, usually during a healing session I see a lot of animals presenting energies of their humans or owners.The bond between the humans and their pets is strong and sometimes these compassionate animals, absorb the illness of their owners, so their owners do not have to experience the physical suffering or they can spend more time on earth. Animals are actually reflections of their humans in many ways.


A dog who gets regular exercise will turn out to be naturally healthier, brighter,and friendlier. Dogs need something to do with their energy, so if they don't get to release it , they will find ways  to release it which might not be to your liking.Lack of exercise can also lead to behaviour issues such as hyperactivity,destructive chewing, unruliness, digging, scratching, jumping on people etc.


What we are doing to our own health with processed food, we are doing the same to our dogs.In short processed food has the same effect o dogs as junk food has on us.Processed and cooked foods are biologically in appropriate because they lack nutrients that are only present in fresh whole raw food.These foods also contain chemicals and carcinogenic materials.The chemical cocktail in these foods is a lethal brew which is a major factor in producing the epidemic of degenerative diseases ,and leading to early death and suffering of the pets.
This includes cancer, arthritis, allergies, and auto immune diseases.


Humans can opt out of cosmetic surgery but dogs aren't that lucky.We choose for them and we often choose painful unnecessary invasive procedures such as ear-cropping and tail docking, de- barking, spaying and neutering which leads to a lot of pain and suffering for the pet. Dogs" talk" to their humans and other dogs using their ears and tails.De -barking strips a dog's natural ability to communicate, depriving them of their primary means of expression is cruel.


Dogs and cats are more sensitive to enviromental toxins then we are.We go out of our way to avoid these , but some you just can't avoid such as car fumes,industrial airborne waste, in the outdoor air, the indoor air is polluted too, every house has furniture, carpets, plastics, paints and solvents. 

Pesticides are in our water , in our food, in our clothes. Toxins cause free radicals to form inside the bodies of humans and animals.Free radicals attack healthy cells and can cause the onset of serious illnesses such as cancer.


Sunlight and fresh air not only benefits us but our pets too.Sunshine is important for healthy bones, it dries out the wounds faster,and can destroy yeast and bacteria.Windows tend to filter out some the sun's beneficial rays, there is no replacement for being out in the direct sunshine.Pets become sad and depressed if deprived of natural sunshine and fresh air.

I believe all life is energy. All living creatures on the planet are made of mostly energy, the physical body is just a small part of the enetire being. When we only treat the symptoms of the physical body, we do not address the entire being, the source or the cause of the symptoms/disease.

I incorporate a combination of energy and vibration remedies during my healing sessions, such as Reiki, Touch therapy, Flower Essences, Essential oils, and Orgone therapy. These vibration and energy remedies carry high frequencies.This frequency assists the animal’s own energetic field to resonate at a higher vibration, thus allowing healing and balance to occur throughout the entire energy system, not just the physical body, but the animal’s whole system.These remedies work on the source, not just the symptoms of imbalance or illness.

The ultimate goal of energy healing is to rebalance the life force of the individual who needs healing.Energy healing sees the animal's health from a perspective of the "whole being" of the animal physical , emotional , mental and spiritual.It shifts the "whole being" of the animal back into balance and which in turn often results in an improvement and /or resolution of symptoms/disease.

As humans we are making a conscious shift towards prevention and integration, and balance in our own health and wellness. We owe the same attention to our pets and animals.

Saturday 23 May 2015


While the showers are a welcome break to us they can be a dampener for our furry friends. During monsoon it becomes essential for pet owners to take additional care of their pet’s in order to maintain their cleanliness and keep them disease free. Rainy season is not the ideal weather for dogs ,discomfort and the health issues are the main issues that you should watch out for during monsoons.

Here are a few tips which might go a long way in keeping your pet’s healthy  during the monsoons.


Wet or damp fur is an ideal incubation area for fungi and bacteria. Make sure that you rub down your dog before and after your walk. You can also blow dry your dog to fend off the dampness. During the rainy season, bathing your dog can be tedious and messy. You can try dry shampoos . However it is vital to keep the skin dry to avoid fungal infection.


Paws are sensitive. They are exposed to the ground all the time. This is the reason why they are prone to infection. It is ideal to make your dog wear protective boots or shoes during the rainy season. Doing so will prevent mud, water, grass, and insects from getting into their paws. Paws could easily harbor pathogens or vectors of diseases. If your dog is not used to paw-wear, you could just wipe off and clean your dog’s paws after the walk and do not forget the space between the paws keep it dry . It could also help if you trim the fur in that area, especially if you have a long-haired breed such as a golden retriever, Afghan hound, Shih Tzu, or Irish setter.


There is nothing better than having a warm, dry bed to sleep in during the rainy season. If your dog is used to spending time on the terrace or balcony, a covered resting area with dry bedding should be provided. All food or drinking bowls should be covered as well. During the rainy season, any surface gets cold, and this could harm your dog’s joints. The bedding should be changed frequently to prevent bacteria from accumulating.


Your dog  could contract ear infections during the rainy season. Moisture easily accumulates in dogs with closed ears such as Dachshunds, Labradors, and Basset Hounds. Ear wax and moisture come together and cause ear infections. Just like the paws, ears should always be kept dry, especially after your walk outside. If your dog has long, closed ears, you could just tie them up over your dog’s head.


When it’s raining too much, dogs often develop food allergies. You should make sure that you monitor your dog’s diet. Feed species appropriate diet.  Pay special attention to hygiene , including food and water bowls, do not leave food lying around for hours, offer fresh clean filtered water and not the tap water.To prevent your dog from becoming overweight, reduce the amount of food during feeding. Balance out the level of activity with the food intake.


It is very irritating for dogs when they have infections. During the rainy season, infections are usually rampant. Signs that your dog has such infections or allergies are constant licking of body parts, scratching, odorous ears, and itching. Itchiness may indicate fungal/bacterial infections or allergies. These can be caused by the inability of moisture to escape from the skin’s surface. Dog breeds that have deep skin folds, such as boxers and pugs, are prone to such skin infections. Be sure to consult your vet once you notice signs of infections and allergies.


  • Always provide ideal company for your dog during the rainy season, especially if your dog is still young.
  • Comfort your dog when there is lightning and thunder. Provide a safe place to hide. 
  • If your dog is extremely nervous, try and give Rescue Remedy .
  • Consult a holistic vet, for any physical or emotional problems.
  • Treat the infections immediately do not wait  .

Thursday 19 March 2015


I was approached by Chloe's owner on the walk , as I was meditating with my own dog by the beach. She made a comment "I wish my dog could sit so peacefully like yours".

I introduced myself, however, she knew of me through a friend of hers who had taken reiki sessions for her pet, but this lady wanted to meet me first to see if her Chloe took to me, as she did  not  have very pleasant experiences with animal handlers and trainers in the past . A behaviourist told her to put Chloe down as she was not fit to be in the society.Which led her to be cautious of all animal handlers.

She called me in for a consultation and agreed to try Reiki  sessions  for Chloe, who was a rescued dog, and had severe behaviour problems, she was very frightened and aggressive. After our initial meeting she commented that " I feel Chloe is in good hands"

I introduced myself to Chloe , took her permission for healing and asked her if she would like to accept the healing , the choice was hers. For about first fifteen  minutes she was walking around me and then settled down , smelling my hands , and suddenly she was on my lap, which I did not expect as usually fearful animals prefer to take healing from a distance , but Chloe wanted hands on healing,  however she was not comfortable with me touching her  back and head,  she would growl and make an attempt to bite my fingers, severe case of past abuse and trauma. I let her take her own time to get comfortable with me .

On the second day of treatment , she was agressive initially , but settled down, as soon as I started the session. I decided to use essential oils along with Reiki. She was very curious , and inhaled the specific oils for past trauma and abuse.Her favourite was Violet leaf, which she was literally drinking .  she even lunged at the bottle of Frankincense oil.Owner was shocked to see the response. I explained later that usually aggressiveness after the oils is an emotional release from the past. After that  Chloe took her toy and just calmed down and lay on her bed.

Third day I started the treatment and Chloe just made herself comfortable on my lap and let me touch her head and back without any emotional response. Which was a huge improvement according to the owner. 

After the fourth session, Chloe seemed to be more playful , active, less fearful , and was learning to trust humans again. Was still interested in the oils , this time it was the nurturing oils  that she chose. According to the owner's feedback" Chloe is very calm and relaxed and confident on the walks".Her transformation was noticed by everyone who knew Chloe to be a scared and an aggressive dog previously.


After each session she would come and lick my hand as if  to say "thank you for the healing", and settle on her bed.

This is the response I usually get from animals who have an history of abuse, they love reiki and instantly become calm and relaxed. I find essential oils as an added help to work with these cases.

In the end it is very gratifying to watch them heal and that balanced and peaceful look in their eyes.

In my experience Reiki does wonders for fearful , anxious, shy and timid and abused animals.

Tuesday 24 February 2015


If your dog has been diagnosed with liver disease ,it is important for you to understand the liver function before you can help your pet using holisitic approach.

It is important to understand what the liver’s function is in order to understand how we can begin to support the body in helping it to heal.
The liver processes raw materials, manufactures the building blocks of the body, recycles the old to make new and detoxifies the industrial waste of the body. In short the liver is involved in just about every biochemical process required to run the body. The body’s organs are very complex and only God knows exactly how our organs truly work. That’s why there is no conventional medical cure for most diseases of the organs.

The liver’s job is to cleanse the blood of any impurities such as those found in processed foods, tap water that is loaded with chemicals, the polluted air we all breathe and toxic pharmaceutical residues. These toxins overload your dog’s liver. They congest the liver and in turn the liver becomes less able to filter the blood. Over time the poisons that your dog’s liver should be removing get into the blood stream and eventually lead to disease. 
While modern veterinary medicine can usually effectively treat infections and manage the symptoms of some diseases with pharmaceuticals, the drugs themselves are not what heal, it is the body itself and only the body that must do the healing. Drugs are toxic and since the liver and kidneys are your pet’s filtration system, drugs add more toxins to the blood which further stresses these organs and allows the disease to progress.  The only way to achieve true health is to give the right support so your dog’s body can heal itself and that is where natural healing comes in.



Everything that goes in to your dog’s mouth will go through your dog’s liver so the first step in natural healing is to stop giving your dog any type of toxins (poisons). Makes sense right? Your dog’s liver is damaged and the more you make it work the faster it will degenerate. We start off with food. That means from now on only home prepared meals made from whole foods so you know exactly what your dog is eating. No more hidden ingredients, fillers or chemicals to make him more sick. Commercial dog food will not do, no matter the type, wet or dry, even if it says it’s “Organic”. It is way too processed and refined to give your dog the nutrition his body needs to heal itself, – it’s actually more stressful for his body. 


Good clean drinking water is almost impossible to find on earth these days unless it has been filtered. Tap water contains so many harmful chemicals it will make your dog sick, so filter it however you can, whether it’s by carbon filter, reverse osmosis, distilled, etc. Anything is better than tap water.


 In natural healing we support the body to allow healing to take place. We do this by using medicinal herbs as foods to nourish and detoxify the body and specific organs (in this case your dog’s liver). Powerful herbs (foods) that have been proven to heal the liver and protect it from future damage, herbs like Milk Thistle, Oregon grape root, Gentian root and Dandelion root to name just a few, are all amazing liver herbs .

Remember  your dog’s liver is a resilient organ, it is one of the fastest healing organs in a mammal’s body, but giving the body any kind of drugs will slow the healing process and can make the disease worse. This is not a case of natural healing vs conventional medicine as we believe there are many uses for conventional treatments, but when it comes to canine liver disease, in order for the body to heal the support must come from remedies that work in unison with the body not drugs that will cause more stress to the system.
I would strongly recommend Five Leaf Pet Pharmacy and their liver program,it had revived so many pets suffering from liver disease. 
For more information you  can go to their website http://canineliverhealth.org/

Lastly , work with your vet to monitor your pet's progress by doing the blood work regularly.Please educate yourself about the stages of  liver disease, as the symptoms of this disease can be varied.The more you know the better you will be prepared to  manage the disease.

In the end give your pet a healthy life style, including species appropriate diet,filtered drinking water , regular exercise, and annual cleansing twice a year , to stay happy and healthy.

Thursday 29 January 2015


Conventional treatment of heart disease in dogs is to use medicine to counteract the symptoms in an attempt to extend the life of the sick dog.

However , some conventional medication for canine heart problems do cause side effects which puts additional burden on the already weakened dog's body.

The good news is , natural herbs can greatly improve the quality of life of a dog suffering from heart disease without the side effects.

If your dog has been diagnosed with any of the following:

• CHF Canine Congestive Heart Failure
• Valvular Disease
• DCM Dilated Cardiomyopathy
• Canine Heart Murmurs
You can try some traditional herbs and remedies which have been used for years, to treat heart problems in humans and animals,  to heal and strengthen his heart without poisoning his body.

First step is to cook or feed raw diet, and give filtered clean drinking water.

HAWTHORNE (berry, flower and leaf):
Hawthorne contains potent phytochemicals which have been found in medical studies to:
• Increase the contractions of the heart muscle
• Improve left ventricle ejection fraction
• Reduce peripheral vascular resistance by dilating the blood vessels
• Be a mild diuretic
• Powerful antioxidant
Overall Hawthorne helps the heart pump more easily, but with more force and protects the heart from any future damage.
This herb is considered to be the user friendly Digitalis.

Hawthorne has been used by great herbalists for thousands of years. It has been proven to be effective for high blood pressure, angina, cholesterol, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, and congestive heart failure. Hawthorn has been shown in clinical studies to help the heart in at least five ways. It reduces peripheral vascular resistance by dilating the blood vessels, it increases the contraction of the heart muscle, it improves left ventricle ejection fraction, it is a powerful antioxidant and it improves blood flow to the heart. In one study (Tauchert et al 1994) Hawthorne was found to be at least as good as the ACE inhibitor Captopril in an eight week double blind study of 132 people with congestive heart failure. In another study (Leow et al 1996) people with congestive heart disease were given Hawthorne extract and their symptoms were decreased by 66%. Hawthorne is extremely safe and can be used daily without any harmful side effects.


Contains powerful cardiac glycosides which increase the heart’s pumping force without increasing the heart’s oxygen demand. This makes the heart a more efficient pump and able to meet the demands of the circulatory system. I like to think Mother Nature created this herb specifically for congestive heart failure.


Used in Asia for centuries as an all around heart tonic these are a few benefits:
• Helps with cardiac arrhythmia and tachycardia
• A strong influence over the regularity of the heart
• Strengthens weakness of the heart


This herb has proven itself to be a potent heart and circulatory tonic. Red clover thins the blood and helps maintain elasticity of the hearts large arteries.
Two of the worlds best known circulation stimulants. Cayenne rushes instantly to the heart and then works its way out to the rest of the body, ginger does the opposite going to the extremities first then working its way back to the heart. They go hand in hand as the most powerful circulation stimulants.
All herbs should be either organic or wild harvested.

One of the greatest herbs in the world, used by the famous Dr. Richard Schulze and Dr. John Christopher to heal thousands of people and animals from heart disease, circulation problems, internal and external bleeding etc. Its healing power is only questioned by those who have not used it. The hotter the cayenne the better, it is natures heart food. Cayenne not only feeds the heart it stimulates circulation (a must for any disease) and therefore gets more oxygen rich blood to the oxygen starved heart. Cayenne is added to most of our formulae because it intensifies the metabolic action of the other herbs. It is extremely safe and should be used daily.
Ginger has the same effects as cayenne, only milder. It also soothes the stomach and helps digestion. Cayenne goes directly to the heart and then works it’s way to the body’s extremities; where Ginger goes to the extremities first then works its way to the heart, making cayenne and ginger the dynamic duo of circulation stimuli.

SPIRULINA AND CHLORELLA – not only are these two algae full of nutrients, ounce per ounce spirulina has twelve times the digestible protein than beef and one ounce of chlorella contains more calcium than once ounce of milk.
ALFALFA, BARLEY & WHEAT GRASS – grasses are full of vitamins and minerals, they have been making animals healthy and strong since the beginning of time.
KELP – a seaweed used for centuries to cure many ailments. It is also an anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory. Kelp helps balance out the thyroid and contains 20 key amino acids.
IRISH MOSS – a sea vegetable that fights respiratory diseases and has amazing anti-microbial and anti-viral effects. Irish moss is very effective for digestion problems and will strengthen your dog nails and hair.
WARNING: Always buy organically grown super foods (spirulina, kelp, barley grass etc.) If not grown in pristine monitored conditions, they could contain high levels of heavy metals and toxic poisons thus making your dog sick.

L-Carnitine is a natural protein like substance that enables cells to carry fuel (fatty acids) to the heart. When a dog is unable to synthesize carnitine or is not getting enough carnitine, the fuel does not reach the heart, resulting in heart disease.
Taurine is an amino acid that is found in muscles, it is most abundant in the heart tissue. It maintains cell membranes, regulates the heart beat and protects the heart from calcium overload. One study showed it to be more effective than CoQ10.
To get a little more technical, Carnitine’s job is to carry fatty acids in to the mitochondria. Fatty acids are metabolized by the mitochondria within the cell. Each molecule of fat must be attached to a molecule of Carnitine in order to be transported across the mitochondria. After the fat has been metabolized in the mitochondria and has generated the energy ATP, Carnitine is again needed to remove the waste product from the mitochondria.

Canine heart disease including DCM is believed to be caused by deficient diet, poor genetics (poor breeding etc.), or the inability to synthesize carnitine and taurine naturally in the body or a viral cause.
A healthy dog produces L-Carnitine and Taurine naturally by using vitamins and amino acids obtained through a healthy diet (Lysine, Methionine, B6 etc.). However, some animals are unable to synthesize Taurine and L-Carnitine even with proper nutrition. This can lead to a deficiency causing heart disease, including DCM.

I would strongly recommend Five leaf pet pharmacy and their products for any sort of heart disease. They are organic and wild harvested and I have had some brilliant results using their powerful heart tonics and tinctures, and supplements.
These herbs not only protect the heart from future damage they can alleviate heart murmurs, regulate heart beats, build the heart’s muscle and valves and restore proper circulation (these are traditional herbal remedy uses and may not be supported by significant scientific agreement).
You can go to Caninehearthealth.org for more information.
With the right diet, natural herbs, supplements, Reiki healing , hydrotherapy, you can support your animal's heart beautifully without damaging or poisoning their body.

Tuesday 20 January 2015


Coconut oil is well known for being rich in health benefits for people, but this product is also highly beneficial for dogs and cats as well. Incorporating coconut oil into dog's and cat's lives both topically and internally will lead to dramatic improvements in their overall health. 
My own ten year old English retriever has benefitted a lot since I introduced coconut oil in her diet, she is on a raw diet, her joints are good, coat is glossy and she chases cats around in the compound like a little puppy, and climbs up steps with ease.
Fed regularly to pets, coconut oil can have many health benefits - for their skin, digestive and immune systems, metabolic function, even their bone and brain health!

 Here are the top 10 reasons to add coconut oil to your dog's diet:
1. Coconut oil improves overall skin health, and clears up skin conditions such as eczema, flea allergies, contact dermatitis, and itchy skin.
2. Incredibly emollient, coconut oil helps moisturize the dryest K9 skin and makes a dog's coat gleam with health - whether you add it to her diet, her shampoo, or both!
3. Applied topically to the skin, coconut oil promotes the healing of cuts, wounds, hot spots, bites, and stings.
4. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil help reduce doggy odor, and its pleasantly tropical aroma imparts a delightful scent to a dog's skin and coat.
5. Coconut oil prevents and treats yeast infections, including candida. Its antiviral agents also help dogs recover quickly from kennel cough.
6. Digestion and nutrient absorption are improved by the addition of coconut oil to a dog's diet. It can, however, cause stool to loosen; if that happens, just add a few spoonfuls of canned pumpkin to your dog's diet .
7. Coconut oil reduces - and sometimes eliminates - doggy breath. Some dog lovers even brush their pets' teeth with the stuff! Which makes sense, as dogs love the taste of coconut oil, and that makes the chore less arduous for brusher and brushee.
8. Like cinnamon, coconut oil helps prevent diabetes by regulating and balancing insulin. It also promotes normal thyroid function, and helps prevent infection and heart disease.
9.Helping to reduce weight and increase energy, coconut oil also promotes mobility in dogs with arthritis and other joint issues.
10. Again like cinnamon, coconut oil is excellent for brain health; it's being used to stave off dementia in humans, and it's a must to keep senior dogs' minds from becoming cloudy.
My own ten year old English retriever has benefitted a lot since I introduced coconut oil in her diet, she is on a raw diet, her joints are good, coat is glossy and she chases cats around in the compound like a little puppy, and climbs up steps with ease.
If you want to hear more about what benefits our pets can get from coconut oil, check out what Dr. Karen Becker has to say on this subject.
